KineBody Pro Instructions:
(last updated 240531)
Moving by Number
KineBody Pro allows you to move the body &/or joints(*) by entering or editing numeric values for the position or angle variables. This capability may be useful if your task requires precise or repeatable positioning, and/or the 'fine' adjustment option for sliders or joystick ( via [Ctrl]+[Shift] modifier keys) isn't sufficient. This feature works best using a keyboard and mouse, but it can also be performed using touch input.
To change a position or angle by number, you edit its current numerical value, located next to the slider for that variable, as shown:

The overall procedure involves 3 steps:
- Enable editing for the numeric value box
- Change the value, using any of several conventional textbox editing techniques
- Accept the change, or Cancel.
Details are provided in the following section.
Enable Editing | |
To do this: | Proceed as follows: |
Enable editing: |
Using a mouse:
Double click on the number input box (or anywhere else within the slider
Using touch: tap & hold ( ~ 1 sec) on the number box. Result: The box background color changes to orange. A cursor appears within the box: ![]() or, Some text appears selected: ![]() |
Change the Value (using a mouse & keyboard) | |
Move the cursor: |
[ → ] or [ ← ] (same for vertical sliders & horizontal)
or Click at desired insertion point |
Select some text: |
[Shift] + [ → ] or [ ← ]
or Click & drag over desired text |
Select all text: |
Double-click or triple-click on the box (browser or app dependent)
or [Ctrl ] + [A] |
Clear the contents: | Select all text (see above), then [ Backspace ]
Show cursor instead of selected text: |
[ → ] or [ ← ]
Enter numeric values: |
Can be any numeric value 0-9, decimal point, +, -, E
Increment or decrement value: | [ ↑ ] or [ ↓ ], to change value by 1 unit |
Change the Value (using touch) | |
Change the selection: |
Drag the selection handles as necessary
![]() |
Clear the contents: | Select all text (see above), then [ Backspace ]
Enter numeric values: |
Can be any numeric value 0-9, decimal point, +, -
Accept or Cancel | |
To use the changed value: |
[ Enter ]
Result: The skeleton moves (full body or joint) to reflect any change in the numeric value. The number input box returns to normal: no highlight, border, cursor or selection are shown. |
To cancel: |
Click anywhere outside of the number box.
Result: The skeleton remains as it was before editing the numerical value . The number input box returns to normal: no highlight, border, cursor or selection are shown. Note: [ Esc ] doesn't work to Cancel. |
Note that the operation & behavior may differ depending on the your KineBody Pro edition (Android or Webapp, and browser choice for the latter).
Non-editable values: Number box editing works for most, but not all, of the sliders. The cases where it doesn’t work are:
- acromioclavicular (AC) joint: anterior tilt & down/up rotation
- patellofemoral joint: all degrees of freedom
- neck & lumbar groups (but individual joint degrees of freedom are editable)
- ‘rot horiz’ & ‘rot vert’ body rotations
(*) PoseTools required, for moving joints.