KineBody Pro

Movable 3D Human Model

KineBody Pro Instructions:

(last updated 240531)

Moving by Number


KineBody Pro allows you to move the body &/or joints(*) by entering or editing numeric values for the position or angle variables. This capability may be useful if your task requires precise or repeatable positioning, and/or the 'fine' adjustment option for sliders or joystick ( via [Ctrl]+[Shift] modifier keys) isn't sufficient. This feature works best using a keyboard and mouse, but it can also be performed using touch input.

To change a position or angle by number, you edit its current numerical value, located next to the slider for that variable, as shown:

The overall procedure involves 3 steps:

  1. Enable editing for the numeric value box
  2. Change the value, using any of several conventional textbox editing techniques
  3. Accept the change, or Cancel.

Details are provided in the following section.


Enable Editing
To do this: Proceed as follows:
Enable editing: Using a mouse: Double click on the number input box (or anywhere else within the slider box)

Using touch: tap & hold ( ~ 1 sec) on the number box.

The box background color changes to orange.
A cursor appears within the box:
Some text appears selected:
Change the Value (using a mouse & keyboard)
Move the cursor: [ → ] or [ ← ]    (same for vertical sliders & horizontal)
Click at desired insertion point
Select some text: [Shift] + [ → ] or [ ← ]
Click & drag over desired text
Select all text: Double-click or triple-click on the box (browser or app dependent)
[Ctrl ] + [A]
Clear the contents: Select all text (see above), then [ Backspace ]

Show cursor instead of selected text: [ → ] or [ ← ]

Enter numeric values: Can be any numeric value 0-9, decimal point, +, -, E

Increment or decrement value: [ ↑ ] or [ ↓ ], to change value by 1 unit
Change the Value (using touch)
Change the selection: Drag the selection handles as necessary
Clear the contents: Select all text (see above), then [ Backspace ]

Enter numeric values: Can be any numeric value 0-9, decimal point, +, -

Accept or Cancel
To use the changed value: [ Enter ]

The skeleton moves (full body or joint) to reflect any change in the numeric value.
The number input box returns to normal: no highlight, border, cursor or selection are shown.
To cancel: Click anywhere outside of the number box.

The skeleton remains as it was before editing the numerical value .
The number input box returns to normal: no highlight, border, cursor or selection are shown.

Note: [ Esc ] doesn't work to Cancel.


Note that the operation & behavior may differ depending on the your KineBody Pro edition (Android or Webapp, and browser choice for the latter).

Non-editable values: Number box editing works for most, but not all, of the sliders. The cases where it doesn’t work are:

(*) PoseTools required, for moving joints.